about Hartley Steeves - Publisher & Author
Aurthor: Hartley A. Steeves
Hartley Steeves - an ordinary man born in 1911 & passed away Dec. 5, 2010 at the age of 99 years young. Hartley was Ken's uncle.
When he was five years old his family moved from Canada to a little settlement across the St. Johns River from Jacksonville Florida , named Arlington.
Arlington had no electricity, no water works, with oyster shell, sand roads and paths. The surrounding miles had an abundance of long leaf yellow pine which supported a turpentine industry consisting of 1 turpentine still and a commissary store. The land was also logged for railroad cross ties. Some of the trees found their way to the lumber mills.
In recent years, Arlington's unique beginning is being recognized and an organization has been formed, called "Old Arlington" http://oldarlington.org .
His first school years were in a two room wooden school house with no facilities. His second four years were in a new brick school. Hartley attended high school by riding a bus to and from Jacksonville, daily.
High school was the limit of his formal education. Learning to type and take shorthand destined him to work in an office. He used his typing skills extensively in his work and after retirement used the typewriter; writing letters to the editor and short prose for his own amusement.
Captain Steeves, Master Mariner
“Captain Steeves, Master Mariner; the autobiography of an ordinary seaman.” Captain Steeves started his career in the maritime with a third grade education and as he advanced to captain he remained the ordinary seaman. He wrote the manuscript for his autobiography in longhand and there were very few alterations made to this script, as his son Hartley typed the manuscript for publication. Quite a few captains in the maritime have read this book and have nothing but praise for it’s insight into sailing ships with square sails to the steamships plying the seas today.